Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holla Daze

What up. Here b sum pics.


Shaney Shane Shane said...

Wow. That Elmo is amazing. These are really great.

Barnacles said...

Slick Rick is so good! Post-it is yo medium.

Justine Harlan said...

mark, do you color these all in photoshop? you do right?

Mark Eeeee Wetzel said...

I only use things that can be found around the office: highlighters, blue pencils, pens, white out, POST IT notes to color these. It helps me keep my sanity while the files are opening and saving. The highlighters are somewhat problematic, because they're non-archival and tend to fade after a bit, but eh.

Justine Harlan said...

aaaah. i was wondering how you got that texture.