Friday, November 21, 2008


Okay. So it's not a drawing. But it does have to do with a hand-drawn animation project I've been threatening to finish for some time now. Pulled out the Super Sculpy and went to town last night. I'm seeing a few areas I need to smooth out before I bake it. I think I want to make more with lots of different expressions now.


natalia said...

it is so so so so cute! i want to play with sculpey now, too:D

Barnacles said...

this looks exactly like the animation. Awesome dawg. Awesome.

Shaney Shane Shane said...

Haha! Marzipan version on the way.

Mark Eeeee Wetzel said...

I can't wait to see the painting duder. Are you going to add any color? It might be a great move, though it looks gr9 on its own.

Shaney Shane Shane said...

I would like to go color, but can't commit. I think I'm going to make a plaster mold so I can reproduce it and paint a bunch of them. Or everyone will get one to paint pehaps?