Friday, May 1, 2009

anyone going to the art fair?

been working on train people and friends.
friday drawings been a little dormant...


Shaney Shane Shane said...

These are great! I love the profile of that guy. What is it about the train that makes people look so sad? I guess it depends on where you're headed.

Justine Harlan said...

hi shaney-shane-shane!~
i think they're tired. before wrk, after work...
how was atomic sketch?
did you get my link for free passes to artfest?

natalia said...

those look fantastic! i love the closed eyes and shading on the girl.
beautiful! and, i think i might be maybe see you there!

Shaney Shane Shane said...

I did get the promo code, but neglected to act on them in time. Been busy setting up a new computer and trying to transfer all of my data from the old one. A weekend-consuming event indeed.

Atomic Sketch was loads of fun. Sold a few drawings. Met some nice people. Drank rye whiskey and had a grand old time. We need to get the Friday Drawing crew to show up together for one in the future.